Dangerous Goods-ADR

    Our division of boxes for dangerous goods is specialized in the design and manufacture of corrugated cardboard packaging certified for the transport of dangerous goods.

    The transport and storage of products considered dangerous requires strict safety controls that involve from the transport system to the packaging, therefore, we have a technical department with more than 8 people dedicated to the design of packaging and a technical specialist in the regulations concerning the transport and storage of dangerous goods.

    Caja mercancia peligrosa

    4G Packaging

    4G packaging systems are those that combine an approved cardboard box with an approved inner sub-packaging. The approval of this type of packaging is only valid if both approved packagings are used.

    Cajas mercaderia peligrosa
    Standard Boxes
    Caixa MP 3
    Caixa MP 4
    Caixa MP 2
    440x340x380 375x270x280 390x280x270
    Homologated Groups
    I(X)-II(Y)-III(Z) II(Y)-III(Z) I(X)-II(Y)-III(Z)
    Maximum Weight
    Air Transportation


    Pulp Boxes

    As a result of our ECOpack philosophy, we have created a totally ecological ADR packaging system, with molded cellulose-based interiors and an outer corrugated cardboard box.

    This packaging line is designed for the shipment of liquid acids and is approved for class 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9 products.

    Materias peligrosas
    Pulp Boxes
    Materias peligrosas 2
    Materias peligrosas
    375x375x345 400x290x290
    4 botellas de 2,5 litros 6 botellas de 1 litro
    Homologated Groups
    I(X) - II(Y) I(X) - II(Y)
    Maximum Weight
    Group X 20Kg / Group Y 30kg
    Group X 13Kg / Group Y 19kg
    Air Transportation

    4GV Packaging

    4GV packaging systems are those in which the outer box is approved, regardless of the inner sub-packaging involved. They are packaging systems with high mechanical properties due to the fact that they have to secure any type of content, glass, plastic, etc...

    Cajas mercaderia peligrosa2-1
    Standard Boxes
    Caixa MP 3
    Caixa MP
    Caixa MP 5
    440x340x380 330x330x280 205x175x290
    Homologated Groups
    I(X)-II(Y)-III(Z) II(Y)-III(Z) I(X)-II(Y)-III(Z)
    Maximum Weight
    Air Transportation



    Customized boxes

    With more than 25 years designing and manufacturing packaging for Dangerous Goods, we have a technical team specialized in packaging for dangerous goods.

    We make tailor-made boxes for both 4G and 4GV. The peculiarity of 4GV boxes is that they can contain any type of intermediate packaging, so the approval of these products is more complex since they must ensure all types of materials.

    From our technical department we create packaging for the transport of dangerous goods with ICAO, RID, ADR and IMDG approvals. We take care of all the documentation and administrative procedures with the Ministry of the Interior to approve your packaging systems.

    Do you need more information about our products and services?